
Step 1 - ensure your Nightscout profile is up to date [why?]
Step 2 - enter your Nightscout site URL to get started

About Autotune

Autotune is a system that recommends changes to your basal rate, insulin:carb ratio and insulin sensitivity factor based on the data recorded in Nightscout.

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About AutotuneWeb

AutotuneWeb aims to make the process of running Autotune easier by generating an Autotune-compatible profile automatically based on your Nightscout profile, and even run Autotune for you in the cloud and email you the results.

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For help with Autotune generally or AutotuneWeb in particular, first read the AutotuneWeb FAQs. If your question is not answered there, reach out in the regular Facebook groups or Gitter channel. Make sure you note that you are using AutotuneWeb, and include screenshots of your logs.